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How To Change Your Name After The Wedding

Today I wanted to dive into the easiest way to go about changing your name after the wedding. Because, let's be real, changing your name is a pain and there are a million steps you need to take to make it official. Sure, your marriage licence now has your new name, but what about things like:

  • Your social security card

  • Driver's license

  • Passport

  • Bank accounts

  • Voter registration

  • Doctor's Offices

  • Vehicle Title and Registration

  • Subscription Services

  • Airline Loyalty Programs

  • All your bills? (Just to name a few!)

Are you overwhelmed yet? I know I was when I got married. But I don't want you to stress, because there is now a very simple way to go through the process. It's called HitchSwitch and it is absolutely amazing!!

Here's the deal, HitchSwitch takes the mystery out of how to change your name. They send you printed name change applications that have been autofilled with your basic information, a set of corresponding instructions that will explain how to submit each application, and pre-paid envelopes for any steps that can be submitted through the mail.

You also have the option of working with a name change concierge to guide you through the process; meaning, you can ask allllll of name changing questions and get answers directly from an expert.

They seriously take all the mystery and headache out of changing your name, and I recommend all of our couples go this route, as I want to make their lives as easy as possible.

Now, when should you start the name changing process?

Believe it or not, I would recommend starting it now. (Trust me, you will thank me later) While your name 'technically' isn't changed until after your wedding, you can get all the paperwork ready to go, so you can drop it in the mail after the wedding. Think of this as just another wedding planning task!

And it's that easy! Now, head on over to Hitchswitch to learn more and to get the process started.

San Diego Wedding Planners

Hey There! My name is Ashley McHone and I am the owner of Always Flawless Productions. I started this little biz nearly 10 years ago and am here to share alllll my wedding planning knowledge with you! ;)

Here at Always Flawless, we are a team of planners who want you to have fun planning your wedding! We want this entire journey to be stress free and we want you to enjoy a flawless wedding day. Trust me when I say, we are here to make all of that happen.


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