Setting Clear Expectations For Postponing Your Wedding

Updated: Apr 25, 2020

I can honestly say that I never expected to be in a place where we were forced to postpone months and months worth of weddings. And it you find yourself having to adjust your wedding plans, my heart is seriously breaking for you. I know that right now you are probably going through a roller coaster of emotions, but I want you to know that it's okay to postpone your wedding. It will not define your marriage, your guests will understand, vendors will be helpful, and, honestly, it just might bring you are fiance closer together.

With that being said, the best way to prepare yourself for what's coming is to have clear expectations on what is to come. Below are our 5 tips to help you mentally prepare for the next few months.

Take A Moment To Breath

Repeat after me, " I am postponing my wedding." Now take a moment to let that sink in. It's okay to take a moment to breath and to let this reality sink in. Sure, if you are ready to dive back into planning mode, go for it, but if you need some time, that's okay.

And it's okay to take more than a day or a week if you need it. Believe it or not, we actually have a number of couples who's weddings are on a complete pause right now. We are letting them process and we are going to re-evaluate things in another month. If you do go this route, just be sure to also keep your vendors in the loop.

Be Open Minded.

As much as I hate to say it, there is a good chance you aren't going to get your first choice of dates. You need to be prepared for your venue to have very limited Saturday availability and you need to be open minded about getting married either in the winter or on a Friday or Sunday.

I know you may have reservations about those days, but you shouldn't! I promise, your friends and family will still show up and they will still have an unbelievable time. They will also be more understanding of non-traditional wedding days, as they know the hardship you went through to make your wedding happen.

Be Prepared To Loose Some Money.

As much as I HATE to even bring this to the forefront, I think it is important to mention. While most vendors are going to be flexible in moving your wedding date at no additional charge, there may be a vendor or two who is, unfortunately, not available for you new date. When this happens, I encourage you to take a closer look at their contracts; and in particular, the postponement, cancellation and force majeure clauses. You may find through this process that not all vendors will be able to refund your initial retainer.

Now, before you get too frustrated here, let me explain. In a perfect world, your vendors would absolutely love to give you your money back. They feel horrible for you and don't like being in this position any more than you do. But here is the thing, vendors structure their contracts in a way that is going to protect themselves and their businesses in tough situations. Keep in mind, your vendors may currently be dealing with 10 -20 other couples who are in the exact situation. If they refunded every single one, there would be major consequences, such as job loss, debt and potentially going out of business.

Be Prepared For Smaller Guest Counts.

Due to the severity of the coronavirus, I expect guests counts to drop for the foreseeable future. It's going to take time for people to stop being weary about traveling and/or gathering in large groups. This has absolutely nothing to do with you, but is something you should be prepared for in moving your date.

Remember WHY You Are Getting Married.

Focusing on this fact is more important that ever. In dealing with postponing your wedding, you are going to hit a lot of obstacles, such as not getting your ideal date, potentially loosing a little bit of money, and having fewer guests. Those hurdles and easily get you down and I don't want them to! Regardless of what happens, who shows up, and what the decor looks like, you will still be getting married and that is what is most important. Don't loose sight of that in the midst of all the craziness.

Consider A Planner If You Are Overwhelmed.

If the thought of moving everything to a new date is stressing you out, consider bringing on a planner to help. Yes, it is an additional cost, but we will make your life much easier. We also know how to approach your vendors and can work with them to ensure you are loosing the least amount of money possible during this process. No, we are not lawyers and can't give you specific legal advice, but we are pretty darn good at communication and finding solutions.

And lastly, we are now offering special packages for those couples needing to reschedule their wedding. Whether you just want some professional guidance or need to bring on an official planner, we are here to help!

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