Help! My Family Is Driving Me Crazy: How to deal with family and wedding planning

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

I often tell my couples that the hardest part of planning a wedding has nothing to do with the details or logistics. Instead, it has to do with dealing with people. Sound familiar?

Learning how to deal with your family members, especially your mom, is going to be a challenge. I find that the majority of mothers will have a million ideas (that you may or may not love), will want to talk about the wedding 24/7, and will turn every conversation into 'wedding talk.' Below are my top tips to help you deal with those family members who are driving you absolutely crazy.

Set Boundaries

If you are overwhelmed that every conversation is revolving around weddings, lets change that! Let your mom know when you ARE available to talk about the wedding. For example, schedule an hour call with your mom every Thursday at 5pm and say that's the only time you want to talk wedding details.

Assign Tasks

Your family just wants to help! Instead of allowing them to drive you crazy, give them things to do! Great suggestions may be researching vendors for you, setting bridal dress appointments or tracking down final RSVPs for you.

Pick Your Battles

You need to accept that you are going to butt heads during this process and not every battle is going to be worth fighting. Give in to things that aren't important to you and stand your ground on bigger details that truly matter to you.

Address Uncomfortable Situations

If there is something that is bothering you, talk about it! That is truly the only way to fix the problem. Bringing up tough conversations, such as who is contributing to the budget, deciding who is going to walk you down the aisle and challenges with divorced parents is really the best approach. Trust me, you will be happy you brought it up!

What do you think? Which tip do you feel would help you best deal with your family?

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