How To Pick A Honeymoon Location

Photo: Devon Donnahoo Photography

Your first trip together as husband and wife should be one of the most memorable trips in your life, and so it’s worth giving some thought! Because we know you’re swamped with so many options and variety, we’ve compiled a list of things to consider when deciding on your dream honeymoon vacation!

Dream big! - A honeymoon is something everyone has dreamt about, so let it stay that way! With this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity around the corner, you’ll thank yourself for aiming high from the start. Talk to your husband or wife about places you have already dreamed of visiting and narrow it down from there!

Time availability - Due to work and other obligations, you most likely won’t have an unlimited amount of time to vacation. With less time availability you may want to consider a destination closer to home. While with a greater availability, you can spend more time in a farther destination!

Time of year - Always study up specific travel locations for a specific time of year. Some seasons have better flight deals, less crowds, and better weather than other seasons. Be sure to take these factors into consideration and choose your location according to when you’ll be there.

Budget - Different destinations vary in affordability, so set your budget in stone before you make any real plans. If you’re looking to spend less, look for all-inclusive resorts and packages!

Experiences/ Activities - The world is a big place with lots of things to do! Discuss with your partner what types of things you would like to do together. Whether you want to do more relaxing, more adventurous, or more cultural activities, your experience will be shaped greatly by the environment you put yourself in. Be sure to study up on destinations and what they have to offer!



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